LET'S START learning seo.
Well,SEO gives us d exact thing vch we want 2 get 4m google.suppose dt u r searching 4 something on google then google gives u more than 100000 pages nd it is very much difficult 2 find ur exact needed thing in a single shot.SEO gives u d exact thing vch u need exactly.let's start SEO
go here,
plz mind d words,written in red colours.nw
here u can see written dis line
"New Years Eve at Pink Elephant"
this is dCOLOR="RED"] "title"[/color] of dis web page
d link vch i posted above is d "url"
nd all d data vch has written der is "text"
now,suppose dt u vant 2 search anything on google nd u want 2 search 4 forum then simpally type
i mean wenever u hv 2 search anything in url ,write
inurl:desired thing
wenever u hv 2 search in text write
intext:desired thing
wenever u hv 2 search anything in text write
intext:desired thing
well, i know most of u r knowing these things already bt d ppl who r nt knowing these,plz try 2 understand dis thing,vdout SEO,u ppl vl feel a lot of problem while hacking a website 4 sql injection,searching cracks on internet nd 4 deirectry transeversal ,it is very much essential thing
now do some practice vd d thing vch i wrote here
suppose dt u want 2 search d new year celebration then simpally write in google
intitle:new year celebration
if u vant 2 search any websit's login page then type
intext:login inurl:website address
nd search 4 .
now suppose dt u want 2 find anything in a specific website then use dis syntax
site:website fulll address d thing vch u want2 search in dt website
dis syntax is really very good.
NOW SUPPOSE DT U WANT 2 SEARCH ANY PDF TYPEFILE OR doc type file then simpally use dis syntax
d next thing in SEO IS
RELATED NAMED STUFF,u know dt yahoo is a search engine bt if u vant 2 search any site vch is like yahoo bt vch is nt yahooo then use dis syntax
related:sites address
here it ud be[
d next thing is getting information about a website,if u want 2 have information about a website then simpally use dis syntax
info:website address
now if u want 2 specify that a query item must nt appear in ur reult then use a -{minus sign or dash}
dis is d end of d chapter SEO.i know if u r new here then u r feeling this is a useless thing bt trust me vdout it u vl feel very much problem in future.
der r many things related 2 google hacking bt de will come in d chapter named google hacking.
[1]4 searching something in url use"inurl:"
[2]4 srching in title use"intitle:"
[3]4 srhcing in text use "intext:"
[4]2 get a file of specific type use "filetype::
[5]2 restrct ur search in a website use "site:websiteaddress urdesired seacrhing item"
[6]2 get information about a website use"info:website full addres"
[7]2 get related type sites type"related:website ful address"
[8]2 nt appear a syntax in ur srch results use a minus[dash] sign.
to d person who r reading this type thing first time,i m requsting them 2 do very much practice vd all of dese syntaxes.
a good person always searches by dese techniques.u can find many books related on google ,i hv read all of dem nd thenwards i hv written all d results driven 4m dem.
do a hell of practice plz.
-------------->CHAPTER [4]SOFTWARE'S AND CRACKING<------------------
well,this chapter may seem some funny in starting bt bcoz d course has been started vd 100% basics there4 itis very much essential 2 describe it.
softwares r nothing else but complicated programmes written in many laungugaes nd in assembly laungugage,softwares just tells 2 ur hardware nd 2 oder softwares 2 follow a specific work,today in dis modern arena there r milion of softwares available,
some of dem r freeware nd some of dem r shareware.
a freeware software is a free of cost software,u may get any freeware software on download.con,
bt most of d softwares need money 2 work on ur computer,in dis era 4 a specific work der r many softwares der4 all d companies who makes softwares givesu a demo version of a software,demo version comes 4 free,suppose dt ider is a software vch cost is 99$ then u can get this software 4 free also bt in dt case u vl get only demo version,demo version does nt contain itself all d function of dt software nd demo version comes 4 15 days/30 days,after of dt u cann't use dt software again.
u cann't imagine a comuter vdout software.
till here we talked only about leegalthings.
let's moov 2 cracks,crac/patching exe/working serial r provided 2 u by hackers .if a software needs money then in dt case byapplying its crack u may use dt software 4 free,bt this is really nt leegal bt in dis modern era many ppl r doing this there4 de webmaster ignore this crack thing.
now,der r some softwares vch crack u can not search.
actualy,after installing dese softwares de software need 2 connect vd internet nd then at d server of dt software maker comapny they wathc,that u hv bought this software or it is crack,but this thing is only vd very few softwares.
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